Monday 29 June 2015

Coconut Oil - Most Weight Loss Friendly Food on The Planet

Coconut oil is is high on fatty acids. These fatty acids has shown to boost satiety compared to other fats, as well as increase the amount of calories burned.

Studies have shown that coconut oil leads to reduce the excess amount of belly fat!

No doubt ! coconut oil still contains calories, so adding it on top of what you’re already eating is a bad idea. :(

The idea is not about adding coconut oil to your diet, it is about replacing some of your other cooking fats with coconut oil. :)

None the less, extra virgin olive oil is probably the healthiest fat on the planet.

Stay Tuned :D !

Sunday 28 June 2015

Four simple steps to lose weight fast!

1. First, drink more water! Your body NEEDS water for every metabolic reaction it goes through, especially the oxidation of the fat in your body.

2. Eat more protein! Consuming an adequate amount of protein not only helps your body build lean muscle, but it also curbs hunger.
3. Sit less! Current research shows that sitting for any period longer than 60 minutes actually increases our risk for a lot of diseases and it also slows down our metabolism.

4. Make sure you are doing BOTH cardio AND resistance training. Cardio is great for burning calories in the moment, on the spot. As I mentioned earlier though, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. The way to build this lean muscle is to add resistance and strength training to your daily workout.
Make sure to follow these simple and easy steps for a healthy and fit living! 

Stay Tuned! :D

Rich in vitamine C, tomato are often the king vegetable in our salad. It not only makes our salad nutritious but it also helps to keep a check on our diabetes and keeps it under control.

Studies have proved that tomatoes helps to keep your skin look youthful and also protects from sun burn.

One of the most important use of tomato is that it helps reduce the belly fat!! Yes, you heard it right. Tomatoes helps to reduce the belly fat which is one of the most important part of the body and reducing fats from this chunk is a task in itself.

Grab the tomato ASAP and make it a part of your diet plan!

Enjoy & Stay Tuned :)

Thursday 25 June 2015

Let me introduce you today with Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water has always been underestimated irrespective of it's hands on benefits and amazing qualities. Check out these pointers to know the top 10 benefits of coconut water.

1. Contains Electrolytes which takes care of your heart and nerves. Doesn’t let your body to dehydrate.
2. No artificial flavors and preservatives.
3. Helps to control weight.
4. It is cholesterol free.
5. Natural Fruit sugar.
6. Its rich in vitamin. It has Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Vitamin C helps to keep you stronger and B helps you improve your metabolism rate.
7. It's natural Diuretic.
8. It helps in digestion.
9. Vital for body growth.
10. Good for all ages.

Happy Drinking!

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Diet Drink For A Flat Belly – Weight Loss Drink

Wished for a flat and sexy belly?

Well, follow this weight loss flat belly diet drink and make your dream come true.


Water – Drinking enough water is key to weight loss. Water helps you stay hydrated and removes impurities from your body.

Cucumber – It is a power house of vitamin C that keeps your skin glowing and healthy. It helps you get in the dream shape that you have always been wished for. It detoxifies your body as it is rich in water content and extremely low in calories and thereby helps you lose weight.
Ginger – It is a very tasty fat burner. It allows the blood vessel to expand thereby improving the blood circulation.
Lemon – It gives your body natural electrolytes and thereby helps reduce weight. It's a great source of vitamin C and anti oxidants that helps to keep up the energy while on a diet plan or working out. It rejuvenates your skin and it's one of the best anti ageing remedy.

Mint Leaves – It calms your cravings and smooth your tummy post indulgence of food.

Method To Make:
- In 2 Liters water add 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger.
- Add 10 to 12 mint leaves, 1 medium cucumber (Sliced) and 1 medium lemon (Sliced)
Let these ingredients infuse in water overnight. Drain the water in the morning and drink this water during the course of the day.

This drink will not only keep you hydrated throughout the day but also detoxifies your body and helps you lose calories because of the beneficial properties of these ingredients.

Do try this and follow having this drink religiously. Be patient! I'm sure you will see amazing results.

Since ages morning walks are considered to be one of the top priorities in our ancestor's health and fitness regime.

While in today's 'E' life, we are rarely left with any time for morning walks, let me today brush up your memories, as I explain you the importance of morning walk.

Following are the Top 10 Benefits of Morning walk.

1. Controls & Reduces the risk of heart attack
2. Increases your Strength & Stamina
3. Controls High Blood Pressure
4. Controls Cholesterol
5. Pumps Fresh Oxygen
6. Decreases Stress
7. Helps in Muscle Toning
8. Keeps You Fit & Healthy
9. Keeps Mind Fresh & Relaxed
10. Helps reduce weight

Not 1 not 2 but 10 good to go and important benefits of morning walk is something you surely can't give a miss. Make it a part of your daily routine and enjoy a healthy and relaxed life ahead.

Morning walk is just the beginning of initiating a healthy life, there is lots more to come. See this space for more such stuff.

Stay Tuned and HAPPY WALKING ;) :D

Sunday 21 June 2015

Kick start your Monday Morning with these 5 simple and easy to follow initial steps to lose your weight in the beginning.

# Firstly know your body. Carefully study about what suits you and what not. May it be fruits, veggies or anything else, know what your body likes and what suits it the best before you zero down to your diet.

# Not necessary you hit the gym from the very beginning, but at least do your regular basic home workouts.

#Divide your food intakes. Stick to the time and schedule. Ideally it's recommended to have a two hours gap between every intake. It's important that you have something healthy and nutritious in every two hours.

#Skip soda completely and for heaven sake don't get addicted to it. Replace your soda cravings with fruit juices or sugar free drink or simply the best water :D

#The most important thing in this journey is that you stay positive through out. You may not find results instantly but have faith, keep patience we have a long way to go. Keep yourself motivated and up to the task throughout, COME WHAT MAY

C U SOON :* :)

Friday 19 June 2015

It's Saturday, Yehhh! It's weekend :D So let me not overdo by posting some serious stuff today.
* Just a simple and easy to follow tip that help will you in a great way to lose your weight.

# Drink lot of water and keep your body hydrated. Remember that 70% of our body is composed of water. Avoid soda and hydrate your body with water instead.

#Every person irrespective of his weight, is expected to drink at least 4 Litres of water a day.

Happy Drinking :D

Lose your weight not your mind.

Watch out this space for interesting updates on how to lose your weight and look perfect. Experience my journey with me and have fun!! Believe me, there is lots more to come. ;)